Research Projects

Object Tracking using Image Processing and Python
Advisor: Prof. Ashish Chittora

  • Analyzed sample dataset by employing linear logistic regression and created a general linear model
  • Implemented mean subtraction and band pass filtering to remove noise in images
  • Employed TensorFlow framework to implement YOLOv3 model which identified presence, location and type of objects in a photograph
  • Utilized functionality of OpenCV and Python to access the metadata of videos
  • Employed Kernel-based tracking to sequentially analyze video frames to output the movements of target in such frames

Spirit Level Reaction Time Tester
Advisor: Prof. K. R. Anupama

  • Developed a tester that aimed to test the sobriety of a person by featuring two push-buttons (START and STOP) and nine LEDs on a bar graph as a part of the user interface
  • Setup random delays between the LEDs to measure the sobriety indicated by the number of LEDs lit up by the time user presses the STOP button
  • Prepared the prototype for the design and removed any bias from the system by generating a random number which is used to start the process by latching the value of the timer from an internal clock